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Trump 'Continues to Lie to Us' about Coronavirus

TEHRAN (defapress) – Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Sunday slammed US President Donald Trump for continuing to "lie about the circumstances" of the coronavirus pandemic.
News ID: 82324
Publish Date: 19October 2020 - 13:00

Trump 'Continues to Lie to Us' about CoronavirusBiden reportedly hammered Trump during a rally in North Carolina for comments the president has made claiming that the US is turning the corner and getting past the worst of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Most states in the US are seeing rates of COVID-19 infections rise.

"The other night, Trump said in one of his rallies, 'we’ve turned the corner,'" Biden said, according to NBC News. "Turn the corner? Things are getting worse. He continues to lie to us about the circumstances", The Hill reported.

Trump has made such remarks on numerous occasions, including just a day ago in Janesville, Wis., where he claimed that a vaccine would be on the market shortly.

"We are rounding the corner," Trump said Saturday. "The vaccines are unbelievable. Except for a little politics. We have unbelievable vaccines coming out real soon. And the therapeutics (treatments) are unbelievable."

In September, the president made similar remarks during a Florida rally in Jacksonville, telling a crowd: “We’re rounding the turn. Under my leadership, prosperity will surge."

The US now has confirmed more than 8 million cases of COVID-19 since the beginning of the year, a number that far exceeds all other countries' reported totals. Nearly 220,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 since the pandemic began, and experts warn that the country faces a new wave of cases as the winter flu season begins.

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