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SayedAfghahi in a dialogue with DefaPress:

Israel's defensive capability to weaken / Intifada of the Palestinian people become more severe every day

"The Axle of Resistance has become nearer to the borders of this regime, with all its substantial and spiritual possible and its successful victories," said the Western Asian expert on the subjects of the Zionist regime's defeat and infirmity.
News ID: 69287
Publish Date: 20March 2018 - 12:32

Israel's defensive capability to weaken / Intifada of the Palestinian people become more severe every dayAccording to international Defapress reporter: Communicator on the symbols of the failure of the Zionist regime, SayedaAfghahi, a proficient on West Asian subjects, said: "The Supreme Leader said that" the Zionist regime will not see the next 25 years, "this is based on a chain of The rules of analysis, law, and heavenly traditions are the story of oppression and cruelty does not last.

He continued: expansion in the area and all the plans that have been made by the Zionist regime with unbounded and infinite support from the United States, the European Union and its allies, who today play the game with the Zionist regime, such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain, with consideration with all these austerities, we see over that the Zionist regime and overhead this American regime are losing ground in the global arrogance of the United States, and these letdowns continue.

Sayed Afaghi stated: numerous countries commenced plotting in Iraq and Syria, even in Lebanon, and also called for the intifada of the Palestinian people to be silenced, but we see the flames of the Palestinian nation's rebellion, which is flattering more and more every day.

he said:"The bodily and palpable signs tell us that the Zionist regime's defensive power is lessening and weakened, and that it decreases the power of move and escapade power of the day to day,".

The West Asian expert added that the Zionist regime has arrived into every battle since 2000, in the face of the fact that they themselves started the war, but have not attained a touchable outcome and have failed. For example, in 2000, when they themselves recoiled from southern Lebanon, and in 2006, known as the 33-day war and the height of the defeat of the Zionist regime, Zionist regime bureaucrats recognized that they were defeated.

He said walled in certain regions, America's endless and enormous assistance, financial assistance, arms transmissions and political help, or even the allocation of US embassy from Tel Aviv to Quds, and the admission that Al-Qods is an essential and everlasting capital of the Zionist regime from the United States; Although all this, we see that the Zionist regime is not like the past.

He said: The Zionist regime and its protagonists in the region, called Jabhat al-Nusra, ISIL, Ahrar al-Sham, have been a source of conflicts, but all of these activities are subject to successive failures.

He added: that Netanyahu, the prime minister of the Zionist regime, was suspect of dishonesty and interrogation, which is even likely to be dismissed, on the other hand, the condition of the trump of patronizing and uncontrolled and borderless Netanyahu's White House position has broken down. Resignations, removals, and privacy and numerous subjects are disgraces that do not actually work against Trump.

Sayed Afghahi said: It is not in hesitation that the Zionist regime can uphold its consultant, preserve its political life and continue to move in the area, and no one dares to co-operate with this regime. When we put these composed like the fragment of the table, it shows us a dark and indistinct picture of the state of the Zionist regime on earth.

An expert on West Asian affairs said: "The axle of resistance has become closer to the borders of this regime with all its material and spiritual possible and its victories."

He said: Saudi Arabia's allies in Yemen have been plunged, the Bahraini revolutionaries have not returned to their homes, Iraq has defeated ISIL and Syria has defeated ISIL and is now cleansing their remains in the eastern hinterland. All of this was a plan, each of which was intended for hours, but months, but unsuccessful due to the huge logistics costs and charges of the experts. A main part of these in-area plans is to maintain the security of the Zionist regime.

Sayed afghahi said: "International ability against Trump's action in courtesy of the Zionist regime, which did not vote in relative to the Al-Qods and the Security Assembly, said 14 countries faced. Washington vetoed, 128 countries voted against the UN General Assembly. Consequently, when we put all these chances and intimidations together, we see that the Zionist regime does not have a good situation, unlike what it is doing in a very good condition. Consequently, the opinion of His Majesty that Israel will not see Israel for the next 25 years is accurate, and we hope that this day, hope and impelling of substantial, political and movement weapons will growth.

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